Saturday, 29 December 2007
Memory Burning
The whole thing lasted a lot longer than I thought and eventually I kept having to splash gasoline on it because it was raining. In the end it left a big scorched patch on the lawn, but I covered it in leaves and although I smell of gasoline right now, I'm pretty sure my parents wont notice... except for the fact that I posted it online... oh well...
Park Ranger
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Pope and Kepsie
zen master
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
starting again and changing my ways
like a drop on a leaky faucet I lost it builds up too soon here's the line and I crossed it I was stalling for time forsaking the rhyme no rythm or timing it stopped my climbing no progress but regress if this is test then I just failed but the worst bit about it is I just bailed mailed out my resignation from this race digital eyes taking its place but if there's time left for me to retrace I'm starting again I'm changing my ways
It's not in a good format and there's a word misspelled among other problems, but I'll fix that as soon as I can (thus making this sentence irrelevant)
pipe smoking professor
Sunday, 9 December 2007
fool sitting here typing
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
sufficient awesomeness
pipe smoking professor
Sunday, 2 December 2007
folk-rap awesomeness
zen master
Thursday, 29 November 2007
The Park Ranger Strikes Back
I actually looked the word up when I was down in Bellingham last week for American Thanksgiving. I went down with Josh Burdick and a whole crew of people (Jenny, Toshi, Jackie, Anne, Justin, Phil) going to his house for the dinner and the shopping. Americans are hardcore about celebrating thanksgiving and a Homeric weekend was had by all. The morning after the herculean dinner, however, I spotted an ancient typewriter in the Burdick house and Mrs. Burdick grabbed a piece of paper and said I could type on it. It was definitely a pretty Homeric experience and the following is the awesomecore poetry of the morning that I typed out.
beeswax daytime wakes me from my repose
while sunlight filters through the window frame
it's no surprise the nighttime went so fast
so soft the daylight came so soon
I've not yet woken from my moonlit dream
I dreamt a golden tear was falling from his face
while all around the ocean waves kept pace
with the beating of my own familiar heart
and though it captivated in me every part
I could not hold it from the break of day
I woke to golden tears in place of sunlit rays
and all around me happiness is in my ear
the sight of day has brought my heart to tears
the birdsong, the dog bark, the beeswax daytime
the clear sky, the warm hearts beating next to mine
Later in the morning I wrote more awesomecore (I can't use Homeric or herculean in this situation, although I would have used epic) poetry on a scrap of paper and the day before I was writing a sweetness punk song so I have been pretty busy, but my basic routine doesn't really encourage time for writing. Basically I get up and go to work, work for eight hours, and come home and entertain myself with movies and games. I feel like I'm amusing myself to death. The only real time when I get anything done is right now, in the morning before i leave for work, but usually I work at the Victoria Drive location of Surplus Sam's so that doesn't leave me much time. Hopefully I'll be working at the Burnaby location for a while and I can write a sweet series of morning poems. That would be Homeric.
Park Ranger
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
A New Smoke
On the epic journey i missed out on Michigan and Detroit and I was sorely disappointed by this. However, everyone says that I missed nothing, that Detroit is the worst city in America, but they don't realize that out of the worst conditions comes the best poetry and music. I think that's why, when musicians get famous and make a lot of money, their music tends to lose much of its awesomeness. It's because now they are living the good life and they have nothing to sing about except how happy and boring their lives are. The poetry of T.S. Elliot and Robert Frost is not about how happy and boring their lives are. It is good poetry. I look forward with eager anticipation to reading them both.
Pipe Smoking Professor
Saturday, 17 November 2007
The Return of the Pipe Smoking Professor
It's been so long, been on the road
cause Kansas winds were in my bones
I've searched the high and Northern shores
I've stood and knocked at strangers doors
I've walked alone on broken streets
I've nursed my cold and broken feet
I've drunk my fill on golden draughts
but never once i have forgot
the sacred song, the silent night
the ancient dream, eternal sight
the yellow sun on Kansas fields
the great expanse, the boundful yields
for this I've searched for countless years
for every mile, another tear
but now it seems they're shed in vain
as darkened skies turn into rain
this is Kansas
a streetcorner
this is Kansas
a neon sign
this is Kansas
a black mourner
this is Kansas
a yellow line
this is Kansas
a chainlink fence
this is Kansas
a dying dance
if this is Kansas
why does it look like the Kingdom of God?
That last line is an epic line for its multiple awesome meanings and although I don't really like explaining my poetry, I feel this line could easily be twisted so I will clarify its meaning. It refers to both the fact that I am sorely disappointed in the real Kansas (it was not what I expected), and the fact that the Kingdom of God is at hand and these streets and these broken and dying people in this broken and dying city are what the Kingdom of God is made up of and because of this I'm not really disappointed, but happy. The Kingdom of God isn't made up of rolling hills and fields of golden wheat, but out of broken and hurting people who have nothing to give, least of all beauty. It's a pretty epic realization.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
So if i uploaded any of the other videos it would take hours because they're so big and the internet costs money so i don't think I will, but when I get home I'll put them up. For the time being, here's some photos.
Fields of corn in the U.S. (I don't know why, but it warranted a picture)
a little piece of New York early in the morning when it was deserted
another little piece of New York
A much bigger piece of New York taken from central park
Anyways that's it for now because those things take time to upload, and again time is money. I miss you guys. That was a pretty nondescript 'I miss you' so that it doesn't offend the people that I haven't even thought about since I left and I don't really miss so I guess nobody can really know if I miss them at all. C'est la vie.
New York, New York
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
the happiness parade
The Happiness Parade
Welcome one and all
the tightrope walker tries to say
while jerking back the tears of laughter
clowns in caricture of the queen
will entertain you for a penny
paupers, princes all the same
and if we fail to put a smile upon your face
we'll give you cotton candy entertaaaiinment
for to say
welcome to the happiness parade
monkeys elephants and trains
pulling into town the big band plays
the circus master flips a magic switch
and all throughout the day it never rains
it's the happiness parade
welcome one and all
to the last show of the day
there's tears aplenty if you miss it
but windmills, all the whirligigs
and the wonderful month of May
will bring you smiles all the same
and if nothing in this world can cheer you up
we'll spell you all the numbers backward, it's a gaaame see
for to say
and if the monkeys start to riot
at the mayors house we'll pay
for we're so full of glee and happiness
that any bill we're glad to foot
but to the animals we'll say
go back and bring the lion train
for if I put my head into the lions mouth
we'll earn a killing just by plaaaying
at a game
welcome one and all
to virtual reality
it's magic tricks and pick up sticks
and no one here's to blame
and no one in the town they say
and no one at the fair today
if all the children die of laughter
it's smiles killing currents of the braaaiinwaves
for to say
when the children fall
we'll gather up the people now
dancing cucaracha down the street
and hurling colored bricks through windows
we'll send them to the bars and pray
that when the day is done they'll say
"Oh happiness! Oh happiness! It is enough."
all sadness turns to gaaaiity
in this game
So it's definitely a pretty confusing a sad song, not really happy at all. Alcohol is not a happy thing and cannot make you happy. Overall I'm not sure if it was worth it, but I won't do it again anyways so there's no need to worry. Anyways, I'm off to get a souvenir from this city and then catch my train.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007

me and the CN tower giftshop
Nuk Luk and the CN tower
Quebec parlaiment statues that look better in real life
train view in tunnel with rain
Halifax sunset and the next one is the view from the hotel in Toronto
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Saturday: 6:45 pm
-I had a small stopover (1hr) in Montreal and am just pulling out of the rail complex. Tony and Dave are in the same car and a few of the other Vancouver to Toronto people as well. Right now I'm seated next to Pascal, the first bona fide Canadian Francophone from Quebec (I'm not sure how to spell that crazy word) I've ever met. Montreal was definately pretty cool and the people were a lot more friendly, it seemed, than in Toronto. Also there were loads of crazy old buildings and sweet statues all around. i will definately have to come back here for a longer time. I did almost get lost in the mall that the train lands in though. My first thought was that I wanted to see the city so I went to get out of the mall. Unfortunately all the signs were in French and it took me ages. Then on the way back in I got hopelessly lost and actually had to ask for directions. It was fun though and I still made it back to the train station on time. The announcer just announced they're playing Ice Age 2 so I'm gonna go check that out.
also here is a definately cool song I wrote one night on the train somewhere in the middle of Canada.
Let's come in from the rain
let's fold up all our umbrellas
and curl up warm in blankets from the train
and if you ask me why I'll say
it's such a sight
yah such a sight
for sore eyes
on through the night the train rolls
in it I rest, my long respite
with a kangaroo princess and Buffalo Bill
searching for diamonds in the sky
no diamonds there, but in our eyes
and I say what a sight
what a sight for sore eyes
sunlight's long gone, we're still here
just a dark room with candlelight
and a soft song playing in my ear
and an old man digging through the years
and I say what a sight
oh I say what a sight
for sore eyes
That's about now folks because I'm off to the Citadel Hill to watch a halifax sunset on the Atlantic ocean. miss you (sortof).
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
park ranger
Monday, 8 October 2007
Only October
The suddenness of rain
awakes me from my afternoon
my heart and mind contained
I'll step into the water soon
it calls me by my name
I follow through the open door
so beautiful yet solitary
is this what it feels like to be alone
a bitter winter chill
coniferous and candy canes
the sidewalk holds me still
to watch the passing of the sun
and swallowing my guilt
I stand in shelter from the rain
so beautiful yet solitary
is this what it feels like to be alone
blinded by the square lights
enchanting and demanding me
I'll do the waltz tonight
then turn and dance the minaret
no longer seeing their eyes
I'm dancing now just to forget
so beautiful yet solitary
is this what it feels like to be alone
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
red eyed lullaby
and fills the bucket full of fearing for the hangman's chore
and though there's no remorse that's true another man will fall
and not by crime he stands on gallows tall , but choice is all
his head jerks back and stares oblivion in the eye
This is my red eyed lullaby
a song sung in the dead of night
because time runs out in the day
and through it all there's no respite
for the dirty dead drugged up for the fight
their bones held up by chemicals
and tucking in their spilling guts
they circle round the living ones
with all their red eyes burning up
dandelion daisy deadly lines of tempered iron
a little hand is all that reaches through the summer sun
and though the fiancee really has no reason now to die
she reasons not, but pushes said boy tripping to the side
her head hangs low and stares oblivion in the eye
a blood caked brow and bloodshot eyes enclose the bloodstained mind
though this death not glorious this life not sweet enough to find
he still thinks of her as the fever courses through his frame
o'er trench he turns and steps in faith as bullets rip his flesh
his face goes cold and stares oblivion in the eye
the cold pavement stones were receptive to the noonday sun
as all the mockers mocked in harmony the blessed one
he passed the seat of triumph undenied and sneering kings
and at the hill where death must have its fleeting victory
he raised his head and stared oblivion in the eye
vicious circle of dance
the vicious circle of dance
propagating with every turn
of the heel or click of the man's
shoes on the steel
floor, dashing to sand
all of the pieces of the broken hearts
gathered to watch the spectacle
of legs and lies and broken body parts
Monday, 17 September 2007
pipe smoking professor
Thursday, 13 September 2007
ok paintballing
park ranger
Saturday, 8 September 2007
shredding and trains
live white stripes music is pretty sweet and awesome and should be listened to. mad shredding solos that kick your head. I should go to new york because in new york awesome things happen. also i should take a train to new york and maybe work on the train for monetary gain for the paying of loans or the spending of money in the big apple. and then i can meet the big cheeses that run everything like wall street and stuff and see people play music in real life in groovy places that i can dig. also the train will be awesome. i have busboy experience, they should hire me. they should hire me like the moon should be made of cheese that can be eaten. actually then it would smell all the way to the earth place and that would suck, especially if it was blue cheese because the moon is sometimes blue. this has been a rad blog with words and no information other than I am awesome and deserve to be hired by train companies. if you know any train company people tell them to hire me.
pipe smoking professor
Friday, 7 September 2007
normal escapism
the escapism of the normal life
righteous indignation for all lies
loveless sex for the freedom like
and a murdering hand for the ties that bind
and I don't give a damn if you saw it on the tv
i saw it on the street and it's eating at me
and i don't care if it's a movie star romance
I've loved and been loved and it's nothing like this
and if you tell me once more that you're not free
I'll walk out this room and leave you to see
that life's not right when it's just a collage
of others lives through a camera lens
there's a crowd of witnesses that I can see
but not a bloody one is speaking to me
they whisper in turn each to your ear
but what they're saying I just can't hear
and I've a cloud of witnesses behind me too
I'm not immune to the fellow complication
but none of them tells me just what to do
and that's just what they're doing to you
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
with nothing left to do
but i know I've been through that
and I'm just waiting here for you
when i think you've run out of time
you'll walk in here with your hair let out
and a wild look in your eyes
ya don't want me to go
you tell me you were wrong
to ever let me go
and how you want me back
but i stand here in the terminal
and this time it's for real
and if you want some proof
don't stay aloof
but stay here for a while
and we'll wait for the train
to New York city, Kansas and the world
and I'll be on my way
and then you'll say
"I shoulda never held you back"
you shoulda never held me back
I wait for you
in the terminal
yeah I'm leaving soon
and I'll see it all
there's no missing you
till i see your eyes
so don't see me off
at the terminal
you meet me there
got a look in your eyes
says don't leave now
and I'd like to try
but truth is not dead
as it screams in my face
so I won't let go
of this sacred day
before someone gets burned
I'm walking away

Sunday, 2 September 2007
keyless resuscitation
of a cold heart and a cold mind returning
returning to the pattern lost in the dead of November
lost on a lost highway in a lost city in a lost nowhere of the soul
no whole nothing filling my mind
no free something for the time
must be soon before I break down
must be soon for me to be crying
so much angry noise filling the station
the red ears and red photo eyes are burning
burning cold like the flames of the life i sometimes remember
flames for the feeling flames for the fire flames for all of the everything gone cold
no whole nothing filling my mind
no free something for the time
must be soon before I break down
must be soon for me to be crying
must be someday I will arise
no scream shouting in my eyes
I cry for the mother losing a child
burn for the orchestra going wild
walk alone through my new hometown
and scream for the very last time
no whole nothing no whole nothing no whole nothing
clouding my mind
no free something for the very last time
I'll burn like a bomb if I don't go wild
so light a match and test the whiles
of a forgotten mind lost on a lost highway in November
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
rayguns and marionettes
fool sitting here typing
Rayguns and Marionettes
my foes and friends are dancing marionettes
with colored rayguns in their wooden grips
who's he who pulls the strings and takes the bets
and all in secret makes the scales tip
he gives the puppets choice of wrong or right
but pulls the hidden strings and makes them turn
to face the audience of empty sight
and he decides if they will live or burn
and in my grip's a raygun much as them
the trigger held so tightly for the sting
of enemies and to protect my friends
I too a victim of the puppet strings
but merciful the master puppeteer
for enter left his son cries puppet tears
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
happy tears
fool sitting here typing
Saturday, 14 July 2007
things to do
park ranger
Sunday, 1 July 2007
happy hour at the saint sally sanitarium
The old man in the corner, talking a mile a minute
was telling the sparrows that the war was over,
as they collected on the windowsill
bright flashes of white on brown,
the gentle pull of the breeze, pulling me down
it's happy hour at the saint sally sanitarium
take me back
take me back
I want to go home
please take me home
I wont spend the rest of my days
counting footsteps to the grave
wasting the rays of the fading sun
in happy hour at the saint sally sanitarium
the blue collar has not looked great
covered in ignoble stains
on the white collar worker of late,
but the kind nurse will have it replaced,
and the president of the society of Regina philanthropists and old men with money to spend takes his place
at the head of the table for elders and saints
as the peruvian flutist, sitting lonely plays his dirge
the dirty mother of his sons returns
a cry of joy spreads across his face
and casting down his flute they embrace
and this is the joy that comprises the sum
of happy hour at the saint sally sanitarium
Thursday, 7 June 2007
facebook is of the devil
zen master
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
album awesomeness
park ranger
Sunday, 29 April 2007
bagpipe solo
pipe smoking professor
Saturday, 28 April 2007
where is my mind
zen master
Will Montag
park ranger
Thursday, 26 April 2007
A groovy poem I just wrote
And walking through the mist at night
You reach a garden full of trees and light
In through the gate into my life
And I the fool am taken by the sight
Your beauty drew me in toward your hell
And grasping at your love I fell
Into the deepness of our body's well
We broke our vows and lived to tell
and grasping groaning we turned back the veil
But lust can never take the place of love
And so we burned our household gods
And took our place in hallowed empty halls
And went to places none have gone
But left alone the corpses and the bones
And thinking you had left your mud and weeds
To come and spend your life with me
With flowers turf and parties no one sees
I sat down sipped my milky tea
Forgot that all along you were not free
You're like a woven basket case
Your heart is made of tangled lace
I call your name and you awake
And slip back in to your old state
And this the thing I just can't face
I turn away and wait for better days
we're not free yet
Saturday, 21 April 2007
automatic niece
Park Ranger
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
zen master
Friday, 13 April 2007
my violent summer plans
1. it pays good
2. I'll be ripped when I get out of boot-camp
3. I support our troops overseas
4. if I'm ever in politics and I have to make a decision to send our soldiers to war I want to know what I'm doing (although I wont be going overseas or serving in active combat, boot camp is the closest it comes to actually serving overseas)
5. I don't want to do construction for the summer. Being as I didn't get into the internship I was scrambling for work options and my best option was working construction with Remdall... and construction is the bottom of the line... I don't care how many of you are doing it or how many of you dissagree, but construction is a mindless job where all you are doing is grunt physical labour... which isn't to say boot camp wont be worse but at least you get respect.
so those are the basic reasons. although there are plenty of other reasons why I want to enlist (like childhood fears of failure, a desire to die on a battlefield, so I can finally beat up that bully, to impress my father, because girls dig a guy in a uniform, and so that I can spread anti-war literature in the ranks). yah... pretty much... actually only one of those is true, but I'll leave it up to you to decide which one it is. I'm definately going to miss the people that I regularily see, but I wont miss the Kelowna people because I'm probably going to still make it out to Fintry and Paul Lake (yay). cheers y'all, time to get my POLS250essayonpoetry groove on.
zen master
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
musical procrastination
park ranger
Sunday, 8 April 2007
grow old
fool sitting here typing
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Park Ranger
Sunday, 1 April 2007
I had too much to dream last night
Anyways the first part of the dream that I remember was that I was in this huge building (like world trade center tall) and i was on the bottom floor and I wanted to take the elevator to somewhere near the top, so me and a few sharply dressed businessmen that were with me got into the elevator and started it up, but it was some kindof freakin insanely fast elevator and it started accelerating like nothing else and the pressure starting getting unbearable and then I suddenly noticed that because of the pressure (at this point I had been pushed to the floor by it) the hemp necklace that is a permanent fixture on my neck started tightening insanely and choking me and I trying to keep it from killing me but I didn't want to break it so I like almost died. and then I don't remember what happened after that.
fool sitting here typing
Sunday, 18 March 2007
4.9 m/s²
So I got to thinking. I was randomly thinking about what would happen if I had wings instead of arms and how totally wierd that would be. like you totally wouldn't be able to do anything with your hands but then you'd be able to fly. like is that a worth it exchange... I really don't know... but then I got to think that what if everybody was born with either one or the other. like half of the people were born with arms and half with wings. so we could actually have a comparison... but then I got thinking that something like that would probably be genetically passed on.
listening to: Velvet Underground- Sunday Morning
now if it was genetically passed on then one gene would probably be dominant. and that would mean that one of the groups of people wouldn't really want to marry into the other group because they're just engineering the dying out of their type of person (think nazi's, but more intense). so theretically one of the people groups (lets say the people with arms) would want to seperate from the people with wings. and of course being as they have arms they can use things like guns and are probably much better at fighting so they'd probably try to eliminate the winged people and the winged people would be forced into seclusion in mountainous regions and such. but then I got to thinking...
listening to: The White Stripes - Death Letter/Little Bird (live)
anyways I got to thinking that the human frame isn't exactly built for flying. like even the basic structure of our bones isn't made to endure the stress of flying (like your back and shoulders and stuff), but what if the earth was half the size that it is now. that would be pretty freakin crazy because we would have half the gravity that we do now and that would mean that flying cities could actually be a reality. I mean even though the earth would be half the size, overpopulation would be lessened because we could have massive flying cities and that would mean less climate change and crap because we could leave the earth virtually city free...
so anyways it's been a while since i blogged and I had the very beginning of a blog saved as a draft so i decided to carry through with typing out my original thought process.. all while listening to some really awesome music. maybe finishing that will get me back into the swing of blogging so look forward to some pretty aesome blogs in the near future.
pipe smoking professor
Friday, 9 March 2007
death and other morbidness
fool sitting here typing
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
do not, not listen to this music
Jars of Clay - "Mirrors and Smoke"
Good Monsters was a return to the classic Jars sound and Mirrors and Smoke features Leigh Nash of Sixpence (and yes I like Sixpence because of "Kiss Me"), so this song is subsequently really awesome.
The White Stripes - "Ball and Biscuit"
Not only am I sort of the seventh son so I identify with this, but also this is such an angry vengeful song that if I didn't put it on my list I'd be paranoid about Jack White coming after me with a pointy guitar.
Weezer - "Island in the Sun"
Off of Weezers third album, this song makes you want to spontaneously go on a holiday and forget about all your responsibilities. A perfect song for students.
K-os - "Hallelujah"
"Seeing things around me, Bonnie and Clyde, graffiti with no message, doctors, medicines, or pride, but it doesn't really matter, they're blowin' in the wind, on the cover of a magazine. Hallelujah, Babylon is falling. Babylon is falling."
Johnny Cash - "God's Gonna Cut You Down"
Unlike the Rolling Stones, as Johnny Cash got older, his music actually got better. It's also the closest Cash has ever gotten to rap, with a driving bass beat and lyrics that make that little shiver thing go up your spine.
Jimi Hendrix - "Wild Thing"
Although this song was originally done by the Troggs, Jimi Hendrix's cover at the Monterey Pop Festival will forever remain burned in the human conciousness as one of the greatest moments in the history of rock 'n' roll.
Steppenwolf - "Born to be Wild"
Because my principal in high school covered this song so awesomely on a music trip to Alberta.
The Beatles - "Blue Jay Way"
One of the more phsychadelic Beatles songs off of their Magical Mystery Tour, this song is so trippy it could put you into a trance if you're not careful.
Bob Dylan - "Visions of Johanna"
As Calvin Townsend would say, this is beauty.
The Eels - "Love of the Loveless"
With only one permanent member, E, The Eels always match the lyrics and music of their songs expertly, as is evident in this uncharacteristically soft and melodic track.
Zen Master
Saturday, 3 March 2007
no ecky thump because of gravity
park ranger
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Debunking the "seven unofficial rules of blogging"
1: Self-censor or face the consequences
-basically means that everyone can read your blog (even your mother) so don't write things you might not want them to read and don't give out too much personal info.
2: Know why you blog
3: Spell-check
-this one's just funny
4: Don't flame another blogger
5: Be considerate
-say nice things about other people/readers
6: Be accurate
-don't lie
7: Be yourself
-write about how you feel
so pretty much the awesome movie that I watched was pans labyrinth which is a pretty awesome movie that you need to watch, and if you havent watched it then you actually really suck and should go home and crawl under your bed and cry until youv watched it even if that means calling someone and getting them to go get your tv from the next room and watching it under your bed because you cant bare the shame of not being under your bed and huddling and crying because you havent yet watched the freakin movie and i'm actually not kidding and being as i know many of you havnt even ever watched it yet then im going to have to say you really suck, including fellow bloggers thomas and heather. basically the movie is about a number of small furry mice that need to find their way out of a cardboard maze that a phsychotic little girl named pan made to torture them and in the end they all die end of story... i have no feelings whatsoever about this movie and therefore i cannot say anything about how i feel about this movie. in other news it's important that you all brush your teeth fror proper dental hygein stuff. my name is Will Davies, I am 5' 7.5", I have brown hair, my mothers maiden name is Dougans, and my email address is
p.s. Stop leaving stupid comments on my blog Alpha; you suck as well
pipe smoking professor
Saturday, 3 February 2007
seven rules
pipe smoking professor
Saturday, 27 January 2007
the roaring twenties
zen master
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
deepspace 5
park ranger
Sunday, 14 January 2007
(see it's already starting - even your eyes are screwed up now)
Sunday, 7 January 2007
park ranger
Saturday, 6 January 2007
stupid post
fool sitting here typing