Sunday, 1 April 2007

I had too much to dream last night

so i had a dream last night. a very, very trippy dream... and although nobody likes to listen to people tell dreams because they can never remember how they actually were and they're usually totally irrelevant, and even though I can't remember much of the dream, I'm going to recount it anyways because it was really trippy.
Anyways the first part of the dream that I remember was that I was in this huge building (like world trade center tall) and i was on the bottom floor and I wanted to take the elevator to somewhere near the top, so me and a few sharply dressed businessmen that were with me got into the elevator and started it up, but it was some kindof freakin insanely fast elevator and it started accelerating like nothing else and the pressure starting getting unbearable and then I suddenly noticed that because of the pressure (at this point I had been pushed to the floor by it) the hemp necklace that is a permanent fixture on my neck started tightening insanely and choking me and I trying to keep it from killing me but I didn't want to break it so I like almost died. and then I don't remember what happened after that.

fool sitting here typing

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