Saturday 27 January 2007

the roaring twenties

go watch the roaring twenties. and I'm serious about that. it's not even a suggestion, just go watch the movie, because everyone should watch it. oddly enough i was thinking about the roaring twenties because Trinity has a water advisory out right now because there's an excess of arsenic in the water. so aside from the obvious that I could get arsenic poisoning and die and there's a lot of dying in the roaring twenties so that could somehow make me think of that, but it would probably sooner remind me of reservior dogs for that same reason. aside from that it reminded me of the roaring twenties because of another movie made around the same era called arsenic and old lace. arsenic and old lace wasn't the greatest film, but its one redeeming quality was that Priscilla Lane, one of the prettiest long-dead actresses around, acted in it (morbid huh). anyways Priscilla Lane also acted in the roaring twenties which happens to be one of the greates films ever and probably the greatest film of that era (partly because it featured priscilla lane, humphrey bogart, and james cagney).. so yah you should definately go watch the roaring twenties because it will enrich your life and you should definately not drink trinity water because it could kill you. cheers.
zen master

1 comment:

Alpha Davies said...

whoa did you so delete my last comment or did i just not comment? i can't remember, but anyways i think you like those movies just cuz Priscilla Lane is in them.