Thursday 20 December 2007

Pope and Kepsie

So I've got this great idea for a webcomic that I'm going to make: Pope and Kepsie. I definitely have to credit the excellent name to Alpha and her word-mixing-up skills, but the idea for the comic is mine. It's set in a post-apocalyptic future where the Vatican city is the last bastion of freedom withstanding the siege of a world government of some type. Pope is a refugee who helps defend the city and its inhabitants, and Kepsie is his dog. it's going to be epic. Now all I have to do is learn to draw... oh shnapp...

zen master


Anonymous said...

so its like "I Am Legend" except in the Vatican?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... not really. no zombies, and he's not alone, like Neville. he's protecting the priests and refugees and such. besides, I sketched him last night and he looks fairly awesome, not crappy like Will Smith at all.

Heather Mercer said...

sounds good, as long as it's a graphic novel, not a comic book