Tuesday 2 October 2007

vicious circle of dance

A short thing I wrote about a week before I left on my trip, but never finished the last line. I'm not sure what meaning it has outside of its original context, but it feels like it should be the... thing... that thing that you might put before the beginning of a book... I forget what it's called, but lots of good books like LotR and Haroun and the Sea of Stories have them and if I write a book about dancing I'd use it... because the whole idea of dancing is absolutely fascinating... not even joking... seriously... I mean have you even ever stopped to think about it for very long... like not even thinking about the idea of 'is dancing right or wrong', but thinking about why we dance... like seriously who was the first person to move their body in a certain way and say "this is dance because it is beautiful" or "this is dance because it feels good" or "this is dance because I'm free" or "this is dance because it's controlled movement"... this piece is about the latter approach to dance. it's an intro to something much bigger though... definatly an intro.

the vicious circle of dance
propagating with every turn
of the heel or click of the man's
shoes on the steel
floor, dashing to sand
all of the pieces of the broken hearts
gathered to watch the spectacle
of legs and lies and broken body parts

1 comment:

Rik no Blog said...

Um pouco musical!