post number one
so pretty much i was a fervent believer in having just an msn space because mine got to be pretty cool and i've got a crapload of awesome and life-changing expositions posted on it. also i didn't want to split my loyalties, but i've finally decided to make the switch because after checking out Thomas' blog it just seemed like a much better format; much more user friendly and way faster than msn and also it works with my gmail. (I'll admit I have officially given up on anything to do with windows and now that msn is completely converted to windows live crap i hope to quit it sometime soon, except there needs to be another messenger). so why am i still blogging anyways... simply put i blog because it helps me think. Of course there's the obligatory "keep in touch with your friends" stuff too, but blogging for me is about a lot more than. when I put my fingers to the keys there is a deep connection and sometimes I will simply type and my mind will flow out exposed on the keyboard and onto the screen. of course I only rarely blog one of those typing moments, but they're cool anyways and it partially explains why I can't keep my fingers off of the keys. so pretty much the goal of this blog is to type whatever the hell I want and hope somebody reads it and hope somebody likes it, but even if you don't like it or don't read it that will still be cool because i'll still be typing most excellent stuff and thinking through awesomeness things and this blank page will soon be filled with the grooviness that is words.
signed: the fool sitting here typing
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