Sunday, 10 December 2006


So I'm sure some of you have seen my rant on steampunk on my msn blog a while back and if you didn't and you don't know what steampunk is then look it up in a dictionary (preferrably an online one because it might not be in a traditional one). once you've looked it up then continue reading. I've definately decided to come up with a new word for a genre - airpunk. Some airpunk already exists and is very cool, but like steampunk and dieselpunk it ought to have a name - hence airpunk. it is a eclectic sort of mix of genre's i guess, but it centers around the air and is based in a world where either people live in the air (floating cities - ie. Gullivers Travels) , or people simply use the air as a primary mode of transportation. The inspiration for the genre I believe originally came from Gullivers travels in which Gulliver travels to the floating city of Laputa which is suspended by magnetic forces. from there, a whole crapload of artists have painted floating cities and floating islands and it's even made it into a few games like skies of arcadia. most recently lego fans have started a trend of building lego floating rocks with huts on them and the band gorillaz featured a floating windmill in a couple of their movies. unfortunately, however, no one has bothered to name it and there are so few representations of airpunk that it's kindof hard to find. so a name will help foster the art i hope, people like working within a form. the word airpunk borrows punk from the word steampunk. punk in this case meaning something that breaks from or rebels against the norm. hence airpunk. word. be ready because in the interest of fostering this genre I'm going to sketch some airpunk and post it on here if I can. (note: airships could be airpunk)
the pipe smoking professor

1 comment:

stoph said...

Don't smoke weed, Will.