Sunday, 31 December 2006

silver surfer

yay for the silver surfer!! I'm not too big a fan of multiple sequels. unfortunately, however, i'm a huge fan of comic-book-adaptions. I have yet to finally buy that issue of The Ultimates where Captain America battles the naked man and uses that great line about France- definately made me fall in love with the whole art form, which is by the way a pretty serious art form when you learn to actually think about it. makes you think, takes people and sticks them in ridiculous situations and extremes and paradoxes and asks them to find a moral solution to their problems. there's a lot of comic-book crap that you should avoid, but seriously some of it is freakin good. I'm such a nerd aren't I.
pipe smoking professor

Saturday, 30 December 2006


wow... you know what i just realized. that song that I wrote on the 19th at 4:00 in the morning... I actually like it... like I really like and I would be tempted to sing it... it's freakin beautiful... I can hear the critics (lol you know who you are) laughing their silly little heads off at that, but wait til they hear it when I've cut a record. bum didi bum di bum didi bum. can you feel it. ya i didn't think so because i'm freakin typing a rythm and that actually doesn't translate to the ears. and that brings me to another thing, the fact that bloggers are just basically talking to themselves when they type. ya sure we swear that we're typing to an audience, that the world wide web is a big place and we rant about how everything that we type is completely public but... wait i've typed about this before haven't i... sure you have man... but seriously i don't want to dissapoint my audience.. no man you've got it all wrong, they love to read a good rant it makes them feel justified somehow inside.. ya or maybe just pity.. dude you're looking at this all wrong again, the more readers you get the more dollars you could potentially make if you set up google ads on this site... whatever man, you're just a freakin corporate sellout... fine if that's the way you feel about it then don't talk to me... well then i wont... well stop then... fine!

fool sitting here typing

Friday, 29 December 2006

moonshine in the summertime

so I'm pretty much writing this song and this is one of the first songs that I've ever had trouble writing. it sucks. it's taking me way to long to write, as in at least a month. it's going to be good though and it's tenatively titled moonshine in the summertime (although I don't really like to title anything before it's done). I don't quite entirely know why it's such a hard song to write, but regardless of that I got a harmonica for Christmas and as soon as I'm marginally proficient at it I'm going to put the song to the harmonica and then it may be easier to write. so in other words it could be a long time before It's finished. this could be fun. the harmonica though is fairly awesome, i've been blowing and drawing (apparently you're not just sucking on it or breathing in, it's actually called drawing, wierd eh) on it like nothing else because you can actually carry it around unlike a guitar which is like large and you are constricted as to what you can do when you're carrying one, or a double bass were like you can't even just whip it out and play it because generally it's in this freakin huge case that pretty much dwarfs you. although that is a really neat concept of someone carrying a double bass on their back and then sitting by this campfire and whipping it out to play some tunes and like a coyote howls in the background and the cowboys hunker down for the night, all while Emeril over there is plucking away on his double bass and Finn is blowing and drawing away on his harmonica and then they finish of just as everyone is going to sleep and Finn puts his harmonica in his pocket and goes to sleep while Emeril is struggling to get this huge double bass cover onto his huge double bass for the next twenty minutes while everyone sleeps and then when he's just about done he hears a sound in the bushes and wakes the others in time to stave off an attack from a group of marauding flutists who were trying to steal their beans. in fact that's such a freakin good concept that I think I'm going to incorporate it into one of my stories, Knights of the New World which is an awesome story which sort of plays off of the idea of the knights and a feudal system, but with instruments instead of weapons and like it's set in the U.S.. so pretty much the concept is still being developed and the story isn't as far along as i would like it to be, but it's not as wierd as it sounds and it's going to be pretty freakin awesome. now all I have to do is write Finn and Emeril into the story. wow that gives me shivers, this is going to be gooood.
pipe smoking professor

Saturday, 23 December 2006

k-otic christmas soliloquy

only 1 hour and 52 hours to go til Christmas Eve day and we just finished watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" which was pretty killer... er... christmasy.. traditionally the Davies family has always celebrated christmas on christmas eve and like opened presents and had the whole family over for dinner and stuff... This year is different and on C... holy crap that gap right there was the differnce between like 10:10 and 2:04. at least I have an excuse because I'm sleeping the crap out of myself tommorow... today... after I go to bed... back to it... hristmas Eve we're having a bunch of people over and on Christmas day we're doing our family thing... which is wierd... but what the hell I'll get used to it... yes Stoph, Jack White isn't neccesarily the future of music, but artists like him are... artists with spontinaity and creativity. there are quite a few of those around and I'll admit I was narrow minded in making that statement... that doesn't feel right... like apologizing for my musical preferences and accepting mediocrity... oh well, I still think that artists like him and including him are the people who are going to carry the baton when the music industry collapses... that was wierd- at the moment when I typed music, K-os sang the word music in the song sunday morning that I'm listening to right now. I just bought his latest album Atlantis: Hyms for the Disco (I hadn't bought an album in at least 4 months and it felt awesome to buy one finally) and it's pretty sweet and there's a lot of killer tracks off it like valhalla, sunday morning, the rain, flypaper, born to run, and aqua-city boy... dissapointingly there's a couple of filler songs, but otherwise it's a pretty solid album though still not as good as Joyful Rebellion which I don't own but intend to some time in the future because of the rocking goodness of it.. k-os rules and he's Canadian so go buy his albums people. (though I hate CanLit passionately, I support CanCon wholeheartedly) keep on rocking in the free world people!!!
Pipe Smoking Professor

Friday, 22 December 2006

freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeakin freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

So finally i join the rest of you hoboes in the beautifulness that is Christmas break. I was still working on my last paper and it was eating me alive, but now it's finished... so now I'm happy... and the song that I was listening to when I finally finished and sent my paper off was "Wrong About Bobby" by the Eels off of the album Shootenanny. So pretty much the Eels are a radically good band and by a random freak of coincidence the second news item on their website has "Townshend" in it which is coincidentally the last name of the pols prof that I sent the paper off to. In the news item, however, the Townshend referred to the fact that Pete Townshend of The Who played a gig with E (the only permanent member of the band) in Los Angeles. By coincidence The Who happens to have been the greatest live band(watch for the improv when Keith Moon breaks his bass drum) in all existence and will always be the greatest live band in existence. Now, however, the members of The Who are either past their prime or dead so we only have the glorious memory to look back on, but there are a few new and up and coming bands that are starting to be great live bands and one of the foremost of those is the Raconteurs, who pack one of the meanest punches on stage making you wonder what the hell they were doing on their debut album. By coincidence (itunes is on shuffle) I am currently listening to the White Stripes which shares frontman Jack White with the Raconteurs. Jack White happens to be the future of rock which, by the way, is going to be extremely bleak. In fact the entire music industry is going to collapse and only live bands like the Raconteurs and The Who (if they weren't stupidly dead and defunct) will survive the collapse... This is a good thing. In fact I have been seriously considering starting supporting pirating music to support the collapse of the music industry and get rid of all these crappy musicians that have clogged our minds. The only thing that holds me back is the slight moral dilema of it being stealing so I'm having to think through it, which (thinking through things) has been done a lot in the last four months since I started going to Trinity, but now I'm not.. for the next couple of weeks because I just finished my last paper and I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeakin freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!..... stupidly dead Douglas Adams would be proud.
park ranger

Tuesday, 19 December 2006


So I've just realized that I really don't understand my own mind. I'm supposed to finish this paper tonight and here I am sitting there typing out lyrics at 4:00 in the morning. lyrics that in a way are connected to me sitting here and doing my paper. so messed up is my mind that this actually makes sense and also these lyrics actually make sense. The verses, meant to be rapped in a certain way, are strung together so it could be a bit confusing in that way too. Overall this is the product of a mind that is burnt out from school and suffering from lack of sleep. Enjoy.

i feel a lyrical power coming on me because my souls exploding in the drivers seat nothing hidden in this one i think i'll let it go but you didn't see the things sittin on top of the car those are the things that drain this mortal man til he's dust in the alley and ashes by the fan blowin away to the sky damn i'm gonna miss you bye

it's gonna drain me dry.
hold my hand baby please don't let me go
i don't want to cry
but baby there's noone where you're supposed to go
i'm not saying goodbye

you know i don't want to miss out on this but sometimes you play hands and sometimes they're fixed I'm not making excuses for what i have done leave that to the boys with their emo and grunge I just feel like i'm dying on a spiritual plane, and survival is rivaled by the problem of pain it's getting too late in the day the minute hand's coming this way

it's gonna drain me dry.
hold my hand baby please don't let me go
i don't want to cry
but baby there's noone where you're supposed to go
i'm not saying goodbye

but it's wrong even now as I sit and remorse missing out on real life i'm just making it worse though the crowd is closing in and it's gettin real close i'm still writing these words and still spillin my verse father and mother and sister and brother, baby there's no you you've gone to some other time for me to save myself now, but I'm not ready for my final bow

it's gonna drain me dry.
hold my hand baby please don't let me go
i don't want to cry
but baby there's noone where you're supposed to go
i'm not saying goodbye

did I mention that I don't understand my mind. ya I probably did.
fool sitting here typing

Monday, 18 December 2006

Not withstanding

I am freakin proud to be Canadian!! seriously. the freakin proudness comes from our most excellent political system. though Canada and the U.S. are both liberal democracies, Canada's political roots differ insanely from the U.S.'s. The U.S. constitution is directly based off of the works of a man named John Locke. this semester I had the opportunity to read his 2nd treatise of government which the American founding fathers used to write the constitution and I can say with assurity that John Locke is one evil dude. from his stance that religion is essential for morals but we should get rid of anything spiritual in it, to his belief in the complete seperation of church and state (something that I wholeheartedly disagree with but it would take too long to explain why), to his dishonesty in writing. there's plenty of other things i don't like about him, but his dishonesty in writing becomes most apparent when he quotes, as he says, "the judicious Hooker". to the casual observer Locke's quotatoins of Hooker appear to support his theories and it appears as though Locke completely supports Hooker's theories as well. when you look up the quotation in the original source, however, it becomes apparent that Hooker is completely contrasted to Locke and had he been alive when Locke published his 2nd treatise of government, Hooker would have vehemently disagreed with Locke on most issues. Hooker as it turns out is actually one of the main influences in the original Canadian constitution. The Canadian constitution, instead of being centered around "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was centered around peace, order, and good government (noblesse oblige). so Hooker is pretty sweet and you should check him out, but hey I wanted to say some stuff about our awesomely groovy not withstanding clause. There is no other nation with an equivelent loophole in their constitution and I'm glad we do have it. the notwithstanding clause basically allows the Prime minister or a provincial leader to overrule any part of the charter of rights and freedoms that deals with "freedoms of religion, speech, the press, free assembly and association [and] guarantees of equality"(source) and suspend it for a period of 5 years (there is guaranteed to be an election before it comes up for review). Although most democracies include plenty of checks and balances, none of them have anything this all-encompassing. This means that when our courts (which hold way to much powerand that's something I don't like about Canada) screw up and make a really stupid law it can be revoked. exept in the instance of the Quebec language law debates, the not withstanding clause has not been used very much at all. However, numerous governments have threatened to use it and situations usually end up with the courts reconsidering a law and deciding to support the government. to those of you who think having a not withstanding clause is undemocratic or contrary to our rights, consider that Canada, unlike the U.S., was not formed on a basis of "unalienable rights", but it was instead formed on the premises of good government and fortunately sometimes this means going against what the many want (for five years anyways).
pipe smoking professor

Thursday, 14 December 2006


So I used the word "link" as the title of my last post and that got me thinking about the character Link from the Zelda games and that got me thinking about the latest, twilight princess, which is coming out on the wii. and that got me thinking about the wii in general and how cool it is and how badly it is going to school all of the other next generation systems. why? because the other companies have lost touch with people and nintendo has retained it if not expanded it. and that got me thinking about all these other big corporations that have lost touch with people. an example of this is of course microsoft (a nextgen console maker) who's operating systems are continually problem ridden and more geared towards geeky programmers like Bill Gates himself and less like actual human beings, and then of course they introduce this big brick sized mp3 player that can actually freeze up or crash and it's supposed to be an ipod killer... unlike microsoft apple is actually in touch with what real people will use. sure it's all being consumer minded. they just want to make some money, but companies like apple and nintendo approach making money from the "lets make this as good a product and as accessable a product as possible in hopes it will sell more" angle whereas companies like microsoft look at it from the "lets see how little effort we can put into this product to maximize our monetary gains" angle. maybe companies like microsoft and mcdonalds do better than others from this approach, but i think a change in dynamics is going occur where the situation is switched and companies like apple and nintendo will reign supreme (we're already seeing this with nintendo and i hope to see it soon with apple). so pretty much there's my nerd rant for the day, actually for the month because i'm pretty sure you can only afford to do those once a month to avoid losing your humanity. actually make that bi-monthly... i already feel my artistic genius being crushed by nerdness... noooooo... back you evil fiend.. never enter this brain again...
zen master


So pretty much I've added some links to the bar on the left of this blog and all of the links are fairly cool, but if you only have time to check out one of them check out Dr. McNinja. Dr. McNinja is about this doctor who is also a ninja (obviously). you should go to the archive section of the page and start with the first Dr. McNinja comic if you read any of them. It has to be said that this is probably the coolest webcomic in existence and one of the coolest comics overall in existence. a webcomic (for those of you uneducated) is a comic that is made for the web and updated on a regular basis for the web (it could be an ongoing story that the author is continually writing as he posts the comics). so check it out yo. I have a final today and I have a huge crapload of homework that needs to be completed before the test so I'm going to get to that now.
Park Ranger

Tuesday, 12 December 2006


let me hide away my deepest soul so that you can't see it, let me hide away the obvious things wrap it all in a cloak of darkness. why should i be seen and why do i not want to be seen. what is it about me that reacts to being seen. i wear my heart on my sleeve but i am not forthcoming when i talk face to face. the blog is a replacement. it's just like the catholic confessional- it's an escape. for one: God will forgive you if you ask him and for two: if you really want that healing you have to tell someone who you really care about. the catholic priest in the confessional is a replacemant, they have no face and they have no meaning. it takes no real courage to tell the confessional your secrets and a blog is the same. it is so easy because you are just typing and this is why typing helps me think. because the things that i won't even say in my mind, i will type. and so the blog entry that reveals so much is not a public apology, but it is a confessional. so father google, father no one, i have sinned. i have wasted life. my life. my time is precious and I have been wasting it. forgive me. but the void forgives no one and so i must talk to the real God not the god of the keyboard. the keyboard only understands and can translate a limited emotion, but the true God understands me fully and heals me fully. the keyboard is no substitute for the mouth, but I am happy that it helps me think, helps me come to terms with my world and my life. Now it's time to open my mouth though.
fool sitting here typing

Monday, 11 December 2006


So pretty much I got told to stop smoking weed. Wow Stoph what if I was really insulted. or what if I actually was smoking weed when I wrote that and I took it really badly, but seriously you can find some pretty wierd natural highs. no drugs required. there's a formula to finding these natural highs of course; the theory goes that drugs mess with your mind and make you high so therefore things that mess with your mind should make you high... here's a quick list of things that mess with your mind: sniffing glue, not sleeping for long periods of time, eating copious amounts of sugar and candy, drinking red bull or hot-chocfee (you pour a cup of hot coffee and then load it up with hot chocolate mix-add a candy cane to the mix for an extra special holiday treat), hyperventilating, licking snails, hypnotism/ mind control, listening to "my pal foot foot" by the Shaggs, and watching "Charlie Goes to Candy Mountain" on youtube... So pretty much those are all things that mess with your mind and hey! what do you know most of them actually make you high... while a couple just mess with your brain with no happy side effects whatsoever. so my response to you Stoph is that I could have been doing any of those things. I could have been licking snails for all you know. Oh whatever man I'll never escape that stoner imagery in most peoples minds will I... too many stoner things I do.. like me and Rob hanging out in the basement being stoners in study block with you and Josh... and then the indian dance... and the hippie bus, and the hemp... heh.. heh heh.. licking snails.. heheh...
Zen Master

Sunday, 10 December 2006


So I'm sure some of you have seen my rant on steampunk on my msn blog a while back and if you didn't and you don't know what steampunk is then look it up in a dictionary (preferrably an online one because it might not be in a traditional one). once you've looked it up then continue reading. I've definately decided to come up with a new word for a genre - airpunk. Some airpunk already exists and is very cool, but like steampunk and dieselpunk it ought to have a name - hence airpunk. it is a eclectic sort of mix of genre's i guess, but it centers around the air and is based in a world where either people live in the air (floating cities - ie. Gullivers Travels) , or people simply use the air as a primary mode of transportation. The inspiration for the genre I believe originally came from Gullivers travels in which Gulliver travels to the floating city of Laputa which is suspended by magnetic forces. from there, a whole crapload of artists have painted floating cities and floating islands and it's even made it into a few games like skies of arcadia. most recently lego fans have started a trend of building lego floating rocks with huts on them and the band gorillaz featured a floating windmill in a couple of their movies. unfortunately, however, no one has bothered to name it and there are so few representations of airpunk that it's kindof hard to find. so a name will help foster the art i hope, people like working within a form. the word airpunk borrows punk from the word steampunk. punk in this case meaning something that breaks from or rebels against the norm. hence airpunk. word. be ready because in the interest of fostering this genre I'm going to sketch some airpunk and post it on here if I can. (note: airships could be airpunk)
the pipe smoking professor

Saturday, 9 December 2006


no time to post anything philosophically or socially relevant, but hey I just felt like posting anyways. So pretty much the deal is that I have two essays that I should get done for Monday. the one of them, history, needs to be done for definite sure or else I fail the course and the other one, political studies, can still afford to wait for another day or two but it's still late already and it needs to get done. so that's pretty much my situation and it sucks because rightnow I'm not actually doing either of the papers and I should be doing them right now. But anyways my history class sucks. y'all know I love history, but the prof for history135 has got to the lamest prof ever and he's also the most uptight and paranoid. grrrrrr it just makes me angry. anyways i shouldn't be using someone elses faults to justify my own so until next time.
the pipe smoking professor

Friday, 8 December 2006

numero uno

post number one
so pretty much i was a fervent believer in having just an msn space because mine got to be pretty cool and i've got a crapload of awesome and life-changing expositions posted on it. also i didn't want to split my loyalties, but i've finally decided to make the switch because after checking out Thomas' blog it just seemed like a much better format; much more user friendly and way faster than msn and also it works with my gmail. (I'll admit I have officially given up on anything to do with windows and now that msn is completely converted to windows live crap i hope to quit it sometime soon, except there needs to be another messenger). so why am i still blogging anyways... simply put i blog because it helps me think. Of course there's the obligatory "keep in touch with your friends" stuff too, but blogging for me is about a lot more than. when I put my fingers to the keys there is a deep connection and sometimes I will simply type and my mind will flow out exposed on the keyboard and onto the screen. of course I only rarely blog one of those typing moments, but they're cool anyways and it partially explains why I can't keep my fingers off of the keys. so pretty much the goal of this blog is to type whatever the hell I want and hope somebody reads it and hope somebody likes it, but even if you don't like it or don't read it that will still be cool because i'll still be typing most excellent stuff and thinking through awesomeness things and this blank page will soon be filled with the grooviness that is words.
signed: the fool sitting here typing