Seriously folks, I'm pretty sure the guard almost caught me... it was intense. I totally went to the Quebec parlaiment building today (which was awesome) and had a tour (which was awesome) and had lunch in the cafeteria (which was pretty good but I regret not pilfering a Quebec Parlaiment spoon) and scored a seat in question period (which was awesome even though I didn't understand a word of what was said (except for A B C, at one point, and Quebec and Quebequioua (I seriously don't know how to spell that word), in another), but I understood the basic system of parliamentary debate so that made it a lot more interesting (I still fell asleep)). I think I'm just going to put pictures of random things in here now because I can't top the wordy awesomeness of those brackets.
me and the CN tower giftshop
Nuk Luk and the CN tower
Quebec parlaiment statues that look better in real life
train view in tunnel with rain
Halifax sunset and the next one is the view from the hotel in Toronto
Will - this trip sounds so cool! I think I'm jealous... But then I have been to Quebec City. Did you see those cool wall murals? Bon Voyage!
hey will cool pictures, keep blogging whenever you can cuz i check it like every day believe it or not. watching sunrises is pretty much one of the coolest things ever, especially from somewhere you have never been before.
love you!
WOW!! PHOTOS!!! (I'm still jealous)
THIS is me sam, I got rid of facebook that is why i havent seen most of your messages but i got a hold of your blog. DUDE how would you like to do this trip again but only with like me....sounds like a plan???
Sobre esse lugar!
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