Thursday 9 September 2010


I suppose you could say that the incubation period for this blog has reached a close. Back in March, when I published my last blog post, I had begun to get a nagging feeling about importing my blog to facebook; I'm not sure what it was, whether a lack of reader accountability or just that the publicness of the medium subtly changed the openness of what I wrote, but I decided to stop importing my blog and coinciding with this I halted all blog activity. Halting blog activity was only ever barely consciously to purge any facebook readership and make people forget that this blog existed, but hopefully it served that purpose. Regardless of my reasons, I suddenly feel refreshed, I feel as though there are things that I have been holding inside that need a forum (though this is more of a monologue) and so I have come full circle to the reasons why I started blogging in the first place. I must confess that there was a time when I questioned whether I would ever start blogging again, but alas here I am again and so, it seems, are you.
On to the poetry! I have not written as much as I would have liked to over this summer, but upon returning to the lower-mainland I have begun to feel my inspiration returning at a rapid pace. Here is a little something I penned while I was waiting for my bus in Langley. It even talks about real people and real places! Enjoy,


Two-Step twitching at his neck
as though to shake a cold
or lose his breath
everybody stops to stare
to see his naked faults exposed
laid bare on pavement stuck with gum
and littered down with cigarettes

everybody - all the busy bodies
mime like Simon Says to him
some mock and some feel pity
but no body burns to even talk to him

Two-Step feels no need for charity
questioned he pretends to elegance
and all your sympathy will melt
like symphonies dissolving when
no matter what you've done or do
Two-Step turns and walks away from you

1 comment:

Alpha Davies said...

WILL! i have checked your blog almost every single day in hopes that you'd posted something new, and then i forget for a few days and BAM! 2 posts! incredible!