Friday 10 September 2010

Tree Rings and Tea Things

Had my first class this morning; Geog 121 - Earth and Atmospheric Science. It fills up my lab requirement for TWU, but like every mandatory class here, I think I'm really going to enjoy this one. It was just the intro class today so as soon as the professor mentioned that his office was in the back of the Tree-Ring Lab it set the wheels turning and I spent the rest of the time engrossed in sketching the layout of ideally what a tree-ring lab would consist of (super sweet).
The apartment is shaping up very nicely and on my first shopping trip I purchased three different boxes of Celestial Seasonings tea; Chamomile, Sleepytime, and Original India Spice. I purchased them for the double purpose of having both tea and coffee to offer to house guests and so that I can get a feel for the drinking of tea, an area where I have barely any experience (I just finished my second cup of coffee this morning). It is pretty enjoyable stuff, but with the amount of people coming through our apartment and just generally hanging out, I'm burning through it pretty fast.
The beard is coming back in quicker than I expected so Henderson will not be flying solo for long, but in the meantime it can be rough going sometimes. The support received from guys is definitely heartening though.
I have one more class at 11:40 today that I am extremely apprehensive about; Math 101. I'm all prepped though; I already have the textbook, I bought a three-subject notebook this morning, I bought a scientific calculator at Staples last week (and then promptly found my long lost graphing calculator once I moved in), and I have drunk copious amounts of coffee this morning (read: buzzzzzzz). Bring it on Math 101!!! Just try me...

1 comment:

Alpha Davies said... NAMED your 'STACHE!!!? HENDERSON?!!?