Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Bad things come in pairs, or that's the hope. It's unfortunate, but I missed a class in philosophy of religion. Unfortunate because when I went to class yesterday I realized that the class I missed had been the midterm. Unfortunate because I could have easily aced it. Unfortunate because it was worth 30% of my mark. So I drop it like it's Pluto and I feel a lot better. The class sucked anyways and I still have a full time course load without it. So we're good right, but it still sucked. This morning it just gets worse. The car is having transmission problems, it wont stay in gear, but I take it to school anyways, thinking that it's not too bad. I actually make it all the way to Langley before it loses all functionality. I creep in 1st to Langley Center, park the car, and take a bus to school. I'm a good half an hour late because I missed my connection at the Newton exchange by about 1 minute. It turns out all right, but I still have to bus it back to Langley to find a garage for the car. Woo hoo, sounds fun. So I hope bad things only come in pairs because I don't think I could take anything more. For instance, what if my car were stolen. Now that would truly suck.

Park Ranger

1 comment:

Alpha Davies said...

wow. Will that is a sucky situation.