Saturday, 27 January 2007

the roaring twenties

go watch the roaring twenties. and I'm serious about that. it's not even a suggestion, just go watch the movie, because everyone should watch it. oddly enough i was thinking about the roaring twenties because Trinity has a water advisory out right now because there's an excess of arsenic in the water. so aside from the obvious that I could get arsenic poisoning and die and there's a lot of dying in the roaring twenties so that could somehow make me think of that, but it would probably sooner remind me of reservior dogs for that same reason. aside from that it reminded me of the roaring twenties because of another movie made around the same era called arsenic and old lace. arsenic and old lace wasn't the greatest film, but its one redeeming quality was that Priscilla Lane, one of the prettiest long-dead actresses around, acted in it (morbid huh). anyways Priscilla Lane also acted in the roaring twenties which happens to be one of the greates films ever and probably the greatest film of that era (partly because it featured priscilla lane, humphrey bogart, and james cagney).. so yah you should definately go watch the roaring twenties because it will enrich your life and you should definately not drink trinity water because it could kill you. cheers.
zen master

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

deepspace 5

have you ever impulsively bought an album and then regretted it. I have. generally the albums that I buy go through an intensive grilling process before I buy them. I listen to some of the songs at least, find out about the artist or band online, and read descriptive reviews of the album. generally the best albums that I buy are ones that I've researched the most and listened to the most before I buy them... so it boggles my mind that I bought an album the other day based entirely on the coolness of the album art. and I'm serious this was some serious album art and the album was on sale. and like there were no pictures of the group on the cover (if there was I probably wouldn't have bought the album). anyways it turns out the album is rap and it really sucks. even though the cashier gave it to me in a brown paper bag. I mean everything was right about the purchase exept for the actual music. and the music sucked... and i can't even listen to the music anyways because I got it stuck in the cd player in the collegium at trinity so my purchase was a complete waste... it makes me sick to buy something that's that much of a waste. in other news i'm going to see pans labyrinth with Luc on friday and then going to Kelowna to go skiing.. have an awesome time people..
park ranger

Sunday, 14 January 2007


happiness is a good book and a comfy chair. last semester I extended my book-borrowing madness out to the Trinity library and incurred hundreds of dollars in fines due to late and lost books. literally hundreds. it went down to like $43 or something after I finally returned the books because that meant that I didn't have to pay the lost fee, but still that's the most library fines I have ever had at one time. I think at the Burnaby library I had a fine somewhere in the forties and at the Vancouver library somewhere in the fifties, but the Trinity library beat both of my records. I don't remember the exact sum, but I do know it was somewhere over $200 and probably over $300. I mean I had the freakin complete works of Richard Hooker out along with the rest. Anyways, needless to say I don't want to pay the $23 that I would need to pay to take out books again so this semester I'm seriously going to reform and not get any more library fines... because I can't... but anyways this semester is going to be pretty freakin awesome for books anyways because for some reason I have to read an inordinate amount of books for the classes I'm taking. In ENGL104 I'm going to read A Streetcar Named Desire, The Taming of the Shrew, Orbisan, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, and The Life of Pi. Also for POLS250 I have to read Plato's Republic, Augustine's City of God, and four different texts on Socrates; including Aristophanes' Clouds and Plato's Symposium. For PHIL106 I have to read Sophie's World and for the rest of my classes I'm just reading a bunch of purely academic things. So I'm pretty excited... not about the academic stuff, but about the books like the republic and the city of God and the novels and plays and stuff. The only book that it's going to suck trying to read it is Sophies World.. ya... you should see the cover.. the cover gives everything away. I'm definately going to want to sell that book once I'm done with it.. anyways y'all should head out and pick up some of those books because I'm fairly sure most of them are going to be awesome. Actually I had this sweet booklist going on on my msn space of books that I've read that are awesome and that everyone should read (except books like 1984 by George Orwell which I would only recommend to people with strong constitutions), so pretty much I'm going to see if I can make up a new booklist for this blog with most of the books on the old list and some new awesome additions. be prepared to have your mind blown if you read some of these books though. most truly great books will blow your mind... blow your mind... why does that sound like such a wierd phrase when you say it enough.. ya nevermind, if you say any word or phrase enough times it will gradually lose all meaning and become just this garbled mass of sounds. like now blow your mind doesn't even make sense to me anymore and it's degenerated to ohooooyablinmflam or something in my mind. I'll bet you if you said non-words like ohooooyablinmflam enough they would gradually make sense to you as actual words in your mind. for instance, ohooooyablinmflam could gradually take on the meaning or sound or whatever of "let's go for ice-cream sodas". and that could get seriously sketchy seriously fast. for instance imagine there's this girl that I know that has said "blow your mind" enough times in quick succession that it degenerated to ohooooyablinmflam and then she said it even more and it regenerated to "let's go for ice-cream sodas", and then one day she comes up to me and asks me what this blog is going to do if she reads it so I'm like "blow your mind", but she translates that as "let's go for ice-cream sodas" and then she thinks I invited her out on some cutesy 50's date and simply gets the wrong idea about me entirely. and then I'd be in some deep crap. thankfully I don't know too many girls who go around saying "blow your mind" every couple of seconds so I'm not in much danger of being roped into a cutesy 50's date with some random person. ya... that's as much as my mind can take for one sitting...

(see it's already starting - even your eyes are screwed up now)

Sunday, 7 January 2007

so pretty much this is the end of my holidays. it's kindof sad. i liked the holidays and a good time was had by all so it is sad to see them go but my academic carreer calls me. definately a good month for music as i purchased k-os' atlantis: hymns for the disco and Bob Dylan's modern times and i recieved good monsters by jars of clay for christmas. all steller albums, but jars of clay definately took the cake with a serious return to their rockingly good roots. definately nice to see all the family and i did barely any shopping this years as opposed to last year. my new years resolution of course was to do better in school and i think i made a goal of a 3.0 gpa or something. speaking of which starting tuesday i'm probably going to be on academic probation for the next semester so that really sucks because i'll have to take a study skills course and i wont be able to take all the courses i want to. so that's about it, the holidays were fairly freakin awesome. I got to talk to the travelling Thomas today so that was pretty cool too, y'all should read his blog and check out his webshots. definately one of the better corners of the web. so ya that's pretty much it. absolutely nothing interesting is happening right now and it's not late enough at night for me to actually type something interesting. chill people.
park ranger

Saturday, 6 January 2007

stupid post

stupid song is stupidly hard to write. stupid library fines are stupidly high. it's stupidly late at night. i gotta come up with some more creative words than stupid. anywho enough of that i'm going to sleep.
fool sitting here typing