Sunday, 21 December 2008

Dawn to Darkness

It's hard to believe that a Christmas could ever be spent away from home. Ever since we actually started celebrating Christmas (only about five years ago I guess) I've always been there, no matter where I'm at, I'll always show up for Christmas. This year I've been up in the Okanagan for the last week, seeing my incredibly cute new nephew Jonas and visiting all my friends and family up here, but with the weather conditions the way they are, driving home come Monday may not be a possibility. The roads are supposed to be a bit better tommorow, but there's that possibility that just looms over my head that we might not be able to make the trip. Then this morning I was reading Christoph's most excellent travel blog and I realized that he's going to be spending his Christmas in Liberia. I mean he doesn't even have snow, but the place of contentment that he has over there, because it's where God wants him to be, makes his blog entries so joyful. That's the kind of peace that I want, that's the kind of contentment that only God can give. I was reading my bible this morning and I came across this verse in Amos:

Amos 4:13
He who forms the mountains,
creates the wind,
and reveals his thoughts to man,
He who turns dawn to darkness,
and treads the high places of the earth-
the Lord God Almighty is his name.

God is in control.

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