My last attempt at making a schedule for my blogging (the best of the decade lists) ended in me losing all motivation to blog. That's the way it's been for weeks so I think it's about time I moved on. I had this revelation the other week that I didn't end up blogging about because I wanted to blog about some stupid top ten lists. This cannot be allowed to happen.
We all have our own understandings about what heaven will be like and we all interpret different passages of scripture to mean different things about it, but a lot of this is simply empty speculation that could be entirely misleading. This can lead us away from what we really need to focus on. The most important thing about heaven, and one of the clearest things about it that we can draw from scripture, is that we will be with God. Whether or not we will have electric guitars in heaven is completely irrelevant and so are a multitude of our other concerns. We will be with Jesus!!! and fundamentally that is enough.
The reason why I'm blogging this at three-thirty in the morning is that I went out to Denny's with some of the guys in the dorm and had some man chats and lots of coffee. I feel incredibly untired right now. It's been a good two weeks back at school so far, but I've got a monumental amount of coursework this semester. I finally got into my pols 312 class (I fought pretty hard for that one) so that cements my number of courses at five. It seems like a pretty normal number, but some of the classes, like math 101 and hist 135, have a colossal amount of weekly homework, which, in the case of the math, can be pretty challenging. So there we have it, I'm overworked, tired (not momentarily), full of joy for the ways God has been challenging me this week, and looking forward to the possibilities this semester holds. Also I miss my family and the people in town just a little bit. Unfortunately not enough to pull me away from Trinity this weekend as I have a bunch of things I need to do for next week, but enough to make me blog.
Although I'm not going to post a list of the top ten discoveries of the decade anymore, I still think that one of them deserves mention. I'm referring to GJ 1214b of course. What's that you ask? It's only the most earth like planet ever discovered. It's star is not too many light years away from us (within striking distance you might say), it's only about twice the size of earth, it's within the inhabitable distance from it's star, and it's covered in water. Kamino anybody? It was only discovered in the last days of the decade, but I'd say it still counts pretty good.
Now that I've gotten that out of my way, I feel like I can move on, so the next blog isn't constricted by what I was thinking I might want to write about when I was writing the last blog. That's just a dumb system. Keep it pregnant people.